首先選用PM 2.5 激光傳感器,必須有0.3 μm粒子計數功能。
由於整套DIY新風機都處在室外, 最適合的應該是泵吸式傳感器,這樣傳感器可以裝在室內,只要用鐵氟龍管接到戶外即可,但看了價格...馬上放棄:
剩下有0.3 μm粒子計數功能的不多,大概就是攀藤Plantower PMS7003(G7)、PMS9003M、PMSA003(G10),其中G7最多人用,PMS9003M最耐用,G10體積最小。接著在網路上搜尋此款的數據手冊,Github上有英文完整版。
Circuit Attentions電路注意事項
1) DC 5V power supply is needed because the FAN should be driven by 5V. But the high level of data pin is 3.3V. Level conversion unit should be used if the power of host MCU is 5V.
風扇需要5V驅動,需要直流5V電源。 但數據引腳的高電平為3.3V。 如果主機MCU的電源為5V,則需要使用電平轉換單元。
2) The SET and RESET pins are pulled up inside so they should not be connected if without usage.
3) PIN6 and PIN8 should not be connected.
PIN6 和PIN8 不應連接。
4) Stable data should be got at least 30 seconds after the sensor wakeup from the sleep mode because of the fan’s performance.
由於風扇性能的原因,感測器從睡眠模式喚醒後至少需要 30 秒才能獲得穩定數據。
Installation Attentions 安裝注意事項
1) Metal shell is connected to the GND so be careful not to let it shorted with the other parts of circuit except GND.
2) The best way of install is making the plane of inlet and outlet closely to the plane of the host. Or some shield should be placed between inlet and outlet in order to prevent the air flow from inner loop.
最好的安裝方式是讓進、出口平面緊貼主機平面。 或在進風口和出風口之間加一些防護罩,以防氣流產生內循環。
3) The blowhole in the shell of the host should not be smaller than the inlet.
4) The sensor should not be installed in the air flow way of the air cleaner or should be shielded by some structure.
5) The sensor should be installed at least 20cm higher than the grand in order to prevent it from blocking by the flock dust.
6) When the sensor is used to outdoor fixed equipment, the equipment should be completed for the protection of sandstorm,rain,snow,etc.
7) Do not break up the sensor.
8) The two screw holes can be used for positioning and fixing,For fixing holes,the screw depth can reach 3.4mm,and the other shoule not exceed 1.9mm.
Other Attentions 其他注意事項
1) Only the consistency of all the PM sensors of PLANTOWER is promised and ensured. And the sensor should not be checked with any third party equipment.
僅承諾並保證PLANTOWER所有PM感測器的一致性。 且感測器不應使用任何第三方設備進行檢查。
2) The sensor is usually used in the common indoor environment. So some protection must be added if using in the conditions as followed:
感測器通常用於普通室內環境。 因此,在以下情況下使用時必須增加一些保護:
a) The time of concentration ≥300μg/m³ is longer than 50% of the whole year or concentration≥500μg/m³ is longer than20% of the whole year. 濃度≥300μg/m3的時間長於全年的50%或濃度≥500μg/m3的時間長於全年的20%。
b) Kitchen 廚房
c) Water mist condition such as bathroom or hot spring. 浴室、溫泉等水霧環境。
d) Outdoor 戶外
PMSA003使用UART(通用非同步收發傳輸器)進行訊號溝通,屬序列通訊,並使用TTL(Transistor Transistor Logic)作為電壓標準,電壓低(0~5V),傳輸距離也短。所謂「同步」是指一報一答,收到答覆才會發送下一個數據包,「非同步」是指不須收到答覆,直接發送下一個數據包。